Do Border Collies Shed Excessively? (What You Need to Know)

Border Collie dog spring portrait walking in green fields.

So, you’re thinking of adopting a Border Collie and you want to know if it sheds too much hair?

You’ve come to the right place. We’ll give you the facts so you know what you’re up against!

These guys can be traced all the way back to the ‘borders’ of Scotland and England in the late 1800’s and according to Wikipedia, the word ‘collie’ could mean ‘useful’ in the old Celtic language. Their original ancestor was named ‘Old Hemp’ which was a renowned sheep herder at the time…

Do Afghan Hounds Shed? What You Need to Know

Beautiful pedigree Afghan hound standing with lake in the background.

Afghan Hounds truly are a sight to behold, some might say majestic.

With a long, flowing coat and a calm, somewhat aloof demeanour, they truly are in a class of their own. But the question you really need answered is: do they shed excessively?

Let’s take a look…

Dog Coat Types & How They Shed Differently

Many different types of dogs sitting next to each other on the grass.

Your dog is unique, and so is his coat.

Some coats require a good chunk of time and money to maintain and shed quite a bit, while others require little more than a quick brush over your morning coffee, and shed almost zero hair.

Understanding the key differences among dog coat types can make a huge impact on your decisions when it comes to grooming and choosing the right pup for you, but finding the right information is no easy task either!

We decided to break it down for you, and show you exactly what you need to know about canine coats when it comes to shedding and grooming.