Do Bulldogs Shed Much Hair?

English Bulldog standing on grass

There’s no mistaking a Bulldog. They’re short, muscular, and courageous, yet make great family companions given their calm temperament and loving nature. They’re also low maintenance and great around kids, which makes them well suited to indoor living. Do they shed much hair? Bulldogs shed a moderate amount of hair and typically more during spring … Read more

13 Ways To Stop Your Dog Shedding Excessively

Three healthy, happy looking dogs walking in the yard together.

Virtually all dogs shed, and in most cases, it’s perfectly normal. It’s also not something you can completely “stop” either. Your dog needs to shed his old hair so that the new hair can take its place, which is all part of the natural hair growth cycle. However, there are some really effective ways to … Read more

Do Jack Russell Terriers Shed?

Jack Russell Terrier in green garden.

Jack Russells are an energetic breed that loves to hunt and play. They will test your patience at times and need lots of stimulation, but they’re also great family companions. How much do they shed? Jack Russell Terriers are a moderate to high shedding breed. Despite some common misconceptions out there, they absolutely shed. Generally … Read more

Do Fox Terriers Shed? (Yes, But Here’s How to Stop It!)

Fox Terrier resting on the grass outdoors smiling with tongue poking out.

Fox Terriers are adorable and make great family companions. They’re also fearless hunters with a curious, energetic nature, so they tend to keep you on your toes! And yes, Fox Terriers do shed hair. How much do they shed? There are two types of Fox Terriers: smooth and wire coat. The smooth coat variety sheds … Read more

Does Olive Oil Reduce Dog Shedding?

Olive Oil Being Poured Into Bowl

Olive oil is commonly used for cooking and making salad dressings. But some people even use it a natural home remedy to reduce shedding in dogs. Does it work? Yes, olive oil can reduce excessive dog shedding. Because it’s a healthy fat that contains Omega-3 and Omega-6, which help moisturize and nourish your dog’s skin … Read more